5 Roles You Need In An Email Marketing Team

If you’re thinking that email marketing isn’t as important to your e-commerce business as other forms of digital marketing—think again. If you skip out on having your basic 

We understand that as your company is growing to become a 7- to 8-figure business, email marketing isn’t usually top-of-mind. But when you forget happens, you end up taking a loss because e-mail never becomes the high-revenue generating channel it could be. Rather than putting time and energy into its strategy, the only thing you might be wondering is, ‘Did we send out an email?’ Then, the work is usually split between content writers, marketing managers, and social media directors with no clear strategy for how to execute that email.

Sounds like you?

For your e-mail strategy to get the attention to detail it deserves, you need to have the proper team to set it up for success. Here are the 5 people you’ll need on your team to do email marketing the right way:

#1: The Strategist

Responsibilities: The email strategist creates the game plan for your email marketing strategy all the way from the conception of the idea to when a subscriber gets a notification in their inbox. They map out the customer journey for flows and promotional campaigns, build an email marketing calendar, and manage your subscriber list. They also ensure the email strategy aligns with your overall business goals so you can hit those revenue and performance goals. In smaller businesses, this would be your Marketing Manager or CMO.

Skills: This person should have a broad understanding of your brand’s marketing goals as well as the marketing strategy as a business.

#2: Copywriter

Responsibilities: The email copywriter takes the strategy and creates written content that is accessible for both the company and the customer. This means they’re able to create copy that maintains brand voice but also resonates with the consumer. Because this person writes everything from the subject line to the call to action buttons, they ensure the customer wants to read the email and following the call-to-action; therefore, generating revenue.

Skills: Not all copywriters are the same; however, they should be great storytellers as well as write a sales-driven copy. They’re able to look at the big picture: They can get inside the mind of the consumer as well as create copy that aligns with the company’s goals.

#3: Designer

Responsibilities: The designer brings both copy and strategy to life by creating an aesthetically-pleasing yet conversion-driven email the customer will want to read from start to finish. They’re able to grab the subscriber’s attention and want to click that CTA button!

Skills: The email designer is a visual storyteller who makes sure your email stands out from other brands, aligns with your style guide, and makes the copy flow into one idea. And of course, they have proficiency in Adobe Suite.

#4: The Implementor

Responsibilities: The implementor should know your ESP (Email Service Provider) like the back of their hand. They’re build the email, do a quality assurance (QA) check, and deploy the email so that each campaign reaches the right inbox!

Skills: This person is super detail-oriented and understands the context of the strategy as a whole. Because they’re usually the last person who sees the email in its entirety before it goes out, they understand each part of the email marketing process and customer journey.

#5: The Analyst/Reporter

Responsibilities: Email marketing would be nothing without looking back at the outcome of your campaigns! You need an analyst who pulls the results of your key performance indicators (KPIS), optimization tests, and gained revenue. This person builds spreadsheets and shares insights about how your campaign performed so that you know how to move forward and improve.

Skills: The analyst/reporter is EXCELlent with spreadsheets and isn’t afraid of numbers! They’re able to take a large amount of data and makes it digestible for everyone on the team (even the creatives) so they know the next steps in executing email strategy and hitting those KPI and revenue targets,

Teamwork makes the dream work

In your marketing strategy, don’t underestimate the power of email! It can easily be forgotten in the different types of new digital marketing, but once you focus some of your efforts on it, the return on investment will shock you! While sending out emails is easy, creating a comprehensive and thoughtful email strategy isn’t. But when you have these five talented individuals on your team, you’ll see how far you can go!

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